Tuesday, March 24, 2009

strlen vs isset in PHP

When working with strings and you need to check that the string is either of a certain length you’d understandably would want to use the strlen() function. This function is pretty quick since it’s operation does not perform any calculation but merely return the already known length of a string available in the zval structure (internal C struct used to store variables in PHP). However because strlen() is a function it is still somewhat slow because the function call requires several operations such as lowercase & hashtable lookup followed by the execution of said function. In some instance you can improve the speed of your code by using an isset() trick.

if (strlen($foo) < 5) { echo "Foo is too short"; } 
if (!isset(
$foo{5})) { echo "Foo is too short"; }

isset() happens to be faster then strlen() because unlike strlen(), isset() is a language construct and not a function meaning that it’s execution does not require function lookups and lowercase. This means you have virtually no overhead on top of the actual code that determines the string’s length.

40 Tips for optimizing your php code

  1. If a method can be static, declare it static. Speed improvement is by a factor of 4.
  2. echo is faster than print.
  3. Use echo's multiple parameters instead of string concatenation.
  4. Set the maxvalue for your for-loops before and not in the loop.
  5. Unset your variables to free memory, especially large arrays.
  6. Avoid magic like __get, __set, __autoload
  7. require_once() is expensive
  8. Use full paths in includes and requires, less time spent on resolving the OS paths.
  9. If you need to find out the time when the script started executing, $_SERVER[’REQUEST_TIME’] is preferred to time()
  10. See if you can use strncasecmp, strpbrk and stripos instead of regex
  11. str_replace is faster than preg_replace, but strtr is faster than str_replace by a factor of 4
  12. If the function, such as string replacement function, accepts both arrays and single characters as arguments, and if your argument list is not too long, consider writing a few redundant replacement statements, passing one character at a time, instead of one line of code that accepts arrays as search and replace arguments.
  13. It's better to use switch statements than multi if, else if, statements.
  14. Error suppression with @ is very slow.
  15. Turn on apache's mod_deflate
  16. Close your database connections when you're done with them
  17. $row[’id’] is 7 times faster than $row[id]
  18. Error messages are expensive
  19. Do not use functions inside of for loop, such as for ($x=0; $x <>
  20. Incrementing a local variable in a method is the fastest. Nearly the same as calling a local variable in a function.
  21. Incrementing a global variable is 2 times slow than a local var.
  22. Incrementing an object property (eg. $this->prop++) is 3 times slower than a local variable.
  23. Incrementing an undefined local variable is 9-10 times slower than a pre-initialized one.
  24. Just declaring a global variable without using it in a function also slows things down (by about the same amount as incrementing a local var). PHP probably does a check to see if the global exists.
  25. Method invocation appears to be independent of the number of methods defined in the class because I added 10 more methods to the test class (before and after the test method) with no change in performance.
  26. Methods in derived classes run faster than ones defined in the base class.
  27. A function call with one parameter and an empty function body takes about the same time as doing 7-8 $localvar++ operations. A similar method call is of course about 15 $localvar++ operations.
  28. Surrounding your string by ' instead of " will make things interpret a little faster since php looks for variables inside "..." but not inside '...'. Of course you can only do this when you don't need to have variables in the string.
  29. When echoing strings it's faster to separate them by comma instead of dot. Note: This only works with echo, which is a function that can take several strings as arguments.
  30. A PHP script will be served at least 2-10 times slower than a static HTML page by Apache. Try to use more static HTML pages and fewer scripts.
  31. Your PHP scripts are recompiled every time unless the scripts are cached. Install a PHP caching product to typically increase performance by 25-100% by removing compile times.
  32. Cache as much as possible. Use memcached - memcached is a high-performance memory object caching system intended to speed up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. OP code caches are useful so that your script does not have to be compiled on every request
  33. When working with strings and you need to check that the string is either of a certain length you'd understandably would want to use the strlen() function. This function is pretty quick since it's operation does not perform any calculation but merely return the already known length of a string available in the zval structure (internal C struct used to store variables in PHP). However because strlen() is a function it is still somewhat slow because the function call requires several operations such as lowercase & hashtable lookup followed by the execution of said function. In some instance you can improve the speed of your code by using an isset() trick.
    if (strlen($foo) < 5) { echo "Foo is too short"; }
    if (!isset($foo{5})) { echo "Foo is too short"; }
    Calling isset() happens to be faster then strlen() because unlike strlen(), isset() is a language construct and not a function meaning that it's execution does not require function lookups and lowercase. This means you have virtually no overhead on top of the actual code that determines the string's length.
    more about isset() vs strlen() here
  34. When incrementing or decrementing the value of the variable $i++ happens to be a tad slower then ++$i. This is something PHP specific and does not apply to other languages, so don't go modifying your C or Java code thinking it'll suddenly become faster, it won't. ++$i happens to be faster in PHP because instead of 4 opcodes used for $i++ you only need 3. Post incrementation actually causes in the creation of a temporary var that is then incremented. While pre-incrementation increases the original value directly. This is one of the optimization that opcode optimized like Zend's PHP optimizer. It is a still a good idea to keep in mind since not all opcode optimizers perform this optimization and there are plenty of ISPs and servers running without an opcode optimizer.
  35. Not everything has to be OOP, often it is too much overhead, each method and object call consumes a lot of memory.
  36. Do not implement every data structure as a class, arrays are useful, too
  37. Don't split methods too much, think, which code you will really re-use
  38. You can always split the code of a method later, when needed
  39. Make use of the countless predefined functions
  40. If you have very time consuming functions in your code, consider writing them as C extensions
  41. Profile your code. A profiler shows you, which parts of your code consumes how many time. The Xdebug debugger already contains a profiler. Profiling shows you the bottlenecks in overview
  42. mod_gzip which is available as an Apache module compresses your data on the fly and can reduce the data to transfer up to 80%
  43. Excellent Article about optimizing php by John Lim

Disclamer: This was article wasn't really mine, someone emailed this to me and I just found it useful. 


Basic surfer information variables (from HTTP_SERVER_VARS)
// $surfer_info[real_ip] will only contain something if the surfer used a transparent proxy
$surfer_info[real_ip] $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
$surfer_info[port] $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_PORT"];
$surfer_info[browser_lang] $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"];
$surfer_info[user_agent] $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
$surfer_info[request_path] $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["PATH_INFO"];
$surfer_info[request_query] $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["QUERY_STRING"];
$surfer_info[request_method] $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REQUEST_METHOD"];
$surfer_info[http_referrer] $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_REFERER"];

It is just a row of variables, - it is up to you to decide how they are useful to your script and how to integrate them.
But if you want to see something happening any way, add

to the bottom of the script (but before the closing ?>). Doing so will cause the script to show you what information the variables picked up.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Important News


left: Unlimited Expires: Lifetime

user: hawak9211@yahoo.com
pass: 45c76aac42dd5

pass: 45c71b299aade

The new system of RS is every 3 ips logged via 1 account they will auto reset the pass and sent it back to the owner so, there is no chance for u guys to use any account i post here, because 50+ ips will log to that account and no one would able to use it and the account will be locked, so the news is i'l post less RS accounts or may be i'l post u some PRIVATE accounts .
more info will be updated soon .

Pay Per Clicks

make money online:

Do you want to make money on line? If you wish, just try now! Using this true system which can generate anyone a great income working from home for simply Click the ads. Take a minute to read this - you'll thank me later!

At first you need to create a account : (its free)

1. Paypal
2. Alertpay
3. Moneybookers

2nd Steps:
ok, after u create your account u need to earn money. now what u will do?have many PTC sites on internet u can find. but they give very low amount like per click 1 cent or 10 cent. thats not good amount for you.
But I give u best money making ads in the world. just
click Here to see the ads.

Just 1 Click you earn lots of money.so, dont forgot to sign up.

TIPS: when you complete your sign up, you earn 100 euro. Thats your sign up bonus. when u log in your account u see inbox,paid to click title. thats your earning area. when u click inbox u got email, click the email, its open a new page, go last in page here is link for you,click the link,its tell you wait few second.wait untill they say your account has been credited.
Posted by pay per click at 11:38 PM , 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Earn Money By Writing

Earn Money By Writing:

There are several ways of earn money online but write and earn money online is totally free, flexible, legitimate and also comfortable too. If you are a good writer you can earn a lot of revenue. You can earn money by writing research paper, document, term paper, public service article etc.

The earning platform of all the above is Academia Research ; That means

Click Here For The Site

How it works:
At first you need to fill up an application form online. Then you need to submit 2pic of writing in specific format as sample. After uploading your sample writing you should need to cheek that you have passed and if you pass your account will be activated. Then you will get access to the writers’ online panel. You will get the link of available orders in index page. You should need to click ` view and get` button on the left to get details of the orders listed. You can read details information and instructions, massage and download files sent by customer in a order page. You need to click ` get order` button to get an order. When you will click then should need wait for admin confirmation massage sent to your e-mail inbox. After confirmation letter receipt from the authority you need write only.

1. Your writing must be unique, standard and specific format.

2. You should avoid plagiarism. Always be honest about to name the source that you use of writing.

3. You must accept and adhere the terms and conditions of services.

4. Always you should do your job as a professional in the field of content and presentation.

Method of Payment:

Up to 20$ per page you may earn. You will always receive your payment twice a month. Your payment payable monthly via check, wires transfer, paypal.

Deadline of your work:

To complete your work/task/job you have a specific time limit. If you really want to enlarge your time you have to contact with them immediately with a request to extend the time.

Thanks for reading this article.
Posted by pay per click at 8:42 AM , 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How to create Paypal Account

How to create Paypal Account:

First, Go to Paypal and register. When ask which account do you want to make, Select Premier . When They ask for the credit card, uncheck the box, You don't need a Credit Card.

PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. The service allows anyone to pay in any way they prefer, including through credit cards, bank accounts, buyer credit or account balances, without sharing financial information.
PayPal has quickly become a global leader in online payment solutions with more than 164 million accounts worldwide. Available in 190 markets and 17 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global ecommerce by making payments possible across different locations, currencies, and languages.
PayPal has received more than 20 awards for excellence from the internet industry and the business community -most recently the 2006 Webby Award for Best Financial Services Site and the 2006 Webby People's Voice Award for Best Financial Services Site.Located in San Jose, California, PayPal was founded in 1998 and was acquired by eBay in 2002.

CITS Guilin is the FIRST as well as the LARGEST online tour operator to meet the strict standards to be allow to offer Paypal payment services to our foreign customers in China.
China Highlights was awarded by PayPal Company for the VIP merchant in 2007.

New Rapidshare Policy

Rapidshare Policy

Passes always change automatically if 3 or more IP login.. New system
We will be all sad to the new policy of rapidshare.com,
If they have detected that an account was shared to too
many IP's, they will quickly change the password and they
will send the new pass to the e-mail of original account holder.

Pay Per Clicks

make money online:

Do you want to make money on line? If you wish, just try now! Using this true system which can generate anyone a great income working from home for simply Click the ads. Take a minute to read this - you'll thank me later!

At first you need to create a account : (its free)

1. Paypal
2. Alertpay
3. Moneybookers

2nd Steps:
ok, after u create your account u need to earn money. now what u will do?have many PTC sites on internet u can find. but they give very low amount like per click 1 cent or 10 cent. thats not good amount for you.
But I give u best money making ads in the world. just
click Here to see the ads.

Just 1 Click you earn lots of money.so, dont forgot to sign up.

TIPS: when you complete your sign up, you earn 100 euro. Thats your sign up bonus. when u log in your account u see inbox,paid to click title. thats your earning area. when u click inbox u got email, click the email, its open a new page, go last in page here is link for you,click the link,its tell you wait few second.wait untill they say your account has been credited.
Posted by pay per click at 11:38 PM , 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Earn Money By Writing

Earn Money By Writing:

There are several ways of earn money online but write and earn money online is totally free, flexible, legitimate and also comfortable too. If you are a good writer you can earn a lot of revenue. You can earn money by writing research paper, document, term paper, public service article etc.

The earning platform of all the above is Academia Research ; That means

Click Here For The Site

How it works:
At first you need to fill up an application form online. Then you need to submit 2pic of writing in specific format as sample. After uploading your sample writing you should need to cheek that you have passed and if you pass your account will be activated. Then you will get access to the writers’ online panel. You will get the link of available orders in index page. You should need to click ` view and get` button on the left to get details of the orders listed. You can read details information and instructions, massage and download files sent by customer in a order page. You need to click ` get order` button to get an order. When you will click then should need wait for admin confirmation massage sent to your e-mail inbox. After confirmation letter receipt from the authority you need write only.

1. Your writing must be unique, standard and specific format.

2. You should avoid plagiarism. Always be honest about to name the source that you use of writing.

3. You must accept and adhere the terms and conditions of services.

4. Always you should do your job as a professional in the field of content and presentation.

Method of Payment:

Up to 20$ per page you may earn. You will always receive your payment twice a month. Your payment payable monthly via check, wires transfer, paypal.

Deadline of your work:

To complete your work/task/job you have a specific time limit. If you really want to enlarge your time you have to contact with them immediately with a request to extend the time.

Thanks for reading this article.
Posted by pay per click at 8:42 AM , 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How to create Paypal Account

How to create Paypal Account:

First, Go to Paypal and register. When ask which account do you want to make, Select Premier . When They ask for the credit card, uncheck the box, You don't need a Credit Card.

PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. The service allows anyone to pay in any way they prefer, including through credit cards, bank accounts, buyer credit or account balances, without sharing financial information.
PayPal has quickly become a global leader in online payment solutions with more than 164 million accounts worldwide. Available in 190 markets and 17 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global ecommerce by making payments possible across different locations, currencies, and languages.
PayPal has received more than 20 awards for excellence from the internet industry and the business community -most recently the 2006 Webby Award for Best Financial Services Site and the 2006 Webby People's Voice Award for Best Financial Services Site.Located in San Jose, California, PayPal was founded in 1998 and was acquired by eBay in 2002.

CITS Guilin is the FIRST as well as the LARGEST online tour operator to meet the strict standards to be allow to offer Paypal payment services to our foreign customers in China.
China Highlights was awarded by PayPal Company for the VIP merchant in 2007.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cross browser compatibility test site

I use this site everytime i check my design. You can choose from a lot of browsers too. This site is amazing. 

How the site works:
Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free open-source online service created by Johann C. Rocholl. When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue. A number of distributed computers will open your website in their browser. Then they will make screenshots and upload them to the central server where you can see the result.

Detecting Mobile Browsers in PHP

I used the following block of code to redirect  site to a page when it is been accessed via mobile phone browser and to another page when it is accessed  via desktop browsers. This is tested in  ie, firefox, netscape, opera, chrome and some mobile phone browser simulator. This works well for me.
$site2 "http://monkeetech.blogspot.com/";

$BrowserSplit explode("/",$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);
$Machine $BrowserSplit[0];

if($Machine == "Opera" || $Machine == "Mozilla") {
header("location: $site1");
else {
header("location: $site2");

March 20: Account 5 (+100GB)

User: 8813702
Pass: AtqnSknA

Login: 8813702
Expiration date: Mon, 13. Apr 2009
Traffic left: 1 397 MB (+100 GB)
RapidPoints: 1000
Server time: 20.03.2009 06:56:42
Used storage: 5 MB
RapidPoints PU: 0
TrafficShare left: 105.00 GB
Files: 8

Pay Per Clicks

make money online:

Do you want to make money on line? If you wish, just try now! Using this true system which can generate anyone a great income working from home for simply Click the ads. Take a minute to read this - you'll thank me later!

At first you need to create a account : (its free)

1. Paypal
2. Alertpay
3. Moneybookers

2nd Steps:
ok, after u create your account u need to earn money. now what u will do?have many PTC sites on internet u can find. but they give very low amount like per click 1 cent or 10 cent. thats not good amount for you.
But I give u best money making ads in the world. just
click Here to see the ads.

Just 1 Click you earn lots of money.so, dont forgot to sign up.

TIPS: when you complete your sign up, you earn 100 euro. Thats your sign up bonus. when u log in your account u see inbox,paid to click title. thats your earning area. when u click inbox u got email, click the email, its open a new page, go last in page here is link for you,click the link,its tell you wait few second.wait untill they say your account has been credited.
Posted by pay per click at 11:38 PM , 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Earn Money By Writing

Earn Money By Writing:

There are several ways of earn money online but write and earn money online is totally free, flexible, legitimate and also comfortable too. If you are a good writer you can earn a lot of revenue. You can earn money by writing research paper, document, term paper, public service article etc.

The earning platform of all the above is Academia Research ; That means

Click Here For The Site

How it works:
At first you need to fill up an application form online. Then you need to submit 2pic of writing in specific format as sample. After uploading your sample writing you should need to cheek that you have passed and if you pass your account will be activated. Then you will get access to the writers’ online panel. You will get the link of available orders in index page. You should need to click ` view and get` button on the left to get details of the orders listed. You can read details information and instructions, massage and download files sent by customer in a order page. You need to click ` get order` button to get an order. When you will click then should need wait for admin confirmation massage sent to your e-mail inbox. After confirmation letter receipt from the authority you need write only.

1. Your writing must be unique, standard and specific format.

2. You should avoid plagiarism. Always be honest about to name the source that you use of writing.

3. You must accept and adhere the terms and conditions of services.

4. Always you should do your job as a professional in the field of content and presentation.

Method of Payment:

Up to 20$ per page you may earn. You will always receive your payment twice a month. Your payment payable monthly via check, wires transfer, paypal.

Deadline of your work:

To complete your work/task/job you have a specific time limit. If you really want to enlarge your time you have to contact with them immediately with a request to extend the time.

Thanks for reading this article.
Posted by pay per click at 8:42 AM , 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How to create Paypal Account

How to create Paypal Account:

First, Go to Paypal and register. When ask which account do you want to make, Select Premier . When They ask for the credit card, uncheck the box, You don't need a Credit Card.

PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. The service allows anyone to pay in any way they prefer, including through credit cards, bank accounts, buyer credit or account balances, without sharing financial information.
PayPal has quickly become a global leader in online payment solutions with more than 164 million accounts worldwide. Available in 190 markets and 17 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global ecommerce by making payments possible across different locations, currencies, and languages.
PayPal has received more than 20 awards for excellence from the internet industry and the business community -most recently the 2006 Webby Award for Best Financial Services Site and the 2006 Webby People's Voice Award for Best Financial Services Site.Located in San Jose, California, PayPal was founded in 1998 and was acquired by eBay in 2002.

CITS Guilin is the FIRST as well as the LARGEST online tour operator to meet the strict standards to be allow to offer Paypal payment services to our foreign customers in China.
China Highlights was awarded by PayPal Company for the VIP merchant in 2007.

March 20: Account 4 (+55GB)

User: cyclone9
Pass: cs.com

Login: cyclone9
Expiration date: Thu, 2. Apr 2009
Traffic left: 6 360 MB (+55 GB)
RapidPoints: 6000
Server time: 20.03.2009 06:54:01
Used storage: 0 MB
RapidPoints PU: 0
TrafficShare left: 60.00 GB
Files: 1

Pay Per Clicks

make money online:

Do you want to make money on line? If you wish, just try now! Using this true system which can generate anyone a great income working from home for simply Click the ads. Take a minute to read this - you'll thank me later!

At first you need to create a account : (its free)

1. Paypal
2. Alertpay
3. Moneybookers

2nd Steps:
ok, after u create your account u need to earn money. now what u will do?have many PTC sites on internet u can find. but they give very low amount like per click 1 cent or 10 cent. thats not good amount for you.
But I give u best money making ads in the world. just
click Here to see the ads.

Just 1 Click you earn lots of money.so, dont forgot to sign up.

TIPS: when you complete your sign up, you earn 100 euro. Thats your sign up bonus. when u log in your account u see inbox,paid to click title. thats your earning area. when u click inbox u got email, click the email, its open a new page, go last in page here is link for you,click the link,its tell you wait few second.wait untill they say your account has been credited.
Posted by pay per click at 11:38 PM , 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Earn Money By Writing

Earn Money By Writing:

There are several ways of earn money online but write and earn money online is totally free, flexible, legitimate and also comfortable too. If you are a good writer you can earn a lot of revenue. You can earn money by writing research paper, document, term paper, public service article etc.

The earning platform of all the above is Academia Research ; That means

Click Here For The Site

How it works:
At first you need to fill up an application form online. Then you need to submit 2pic of writing in specific format as sample. After uploading your sample writing you should need to cheek that you have passed and if you pass your account will be activated. Then you will get access to the writers’ online panel. You will get the link of available orders in index page. You should need to click ` view and get` button on the left to get details of the orders listed. You can read details information and instructions, massage and download files sent by customer in a order page. You need to click ` get order` button to get an order. When you will click then should need wait for admin confirmation massage sent to your e-mail inbox. After confirmation letter receipt from the authority you need write only.

1. Your writing must be unique, standard and specific format.

2. You should avoid plagiarism. Always be honest about to name the source that you use of writing.

3. You must accept and adhere the terms and conditions of services.

4. Always you should do your job as a professional in the field of content and presentation.

Method of Payment:

Up to 20$ per page you may earn. You will always receive your payment twice a month. Your payment payable monthly via check, wires transfer, paypal.

Deadline of your work:

To complete your work/task/job you have a specific time limit. If you really want to enlarge your time you have to contact with them immediately with a request to extend the time.

Thanks for reading this article.
Posted by pay per click at 8:42 AM , 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How to create Paypal Account

How to create Paypal Account:

First, Go to Paypal and register. When ask which account do you want to make, Select Premier . When They ask for the credit card, uncheck the box, You don't need a Credit Card.

PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. The service allows anyone to pay in any way they prefer, including through credit cards, bank accounts, buyer credit or account balances, without sharing financial information.
PayPal has quickly become a global leader in online payment solutions with more than 164 million accounts worldwide. Available in 190 markets and 17 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global ecommerce by making payments possible across different locations, currencies, and languages.
PayPal has received more than 20 awards for excellence from the internet industry and the business community -most recently the 2006 Webby Award for Best Financial Services Site and the 2006 Webby People's Voice Award for Best Financial Services Site.Located in San Jose, California, PayPal was founded in 1998 and was acquired by eBay in 2002.

CITS Guilin is the FIRST as well as the LARGEST online tour operator to meet the strict standards to be allow to offer Paypal payment services to our foreign customers in China.
China Highlights was awarded by PayPal Company for the VIP merchant in 2007.

March 20: Account 3 + Leaked X-Men Origins: Wolverine Unedited

User: 1153591
Pass: 147441959

Login: 1153591
Expiration date: Mon, 27. Apr 2009
Traffic left: 2 440 MB (+0 GB)
RapidPoints: 6000
Server time: 20.03.2009 03:21:10
Used storage: 0 MB
RapidPoints PU: 0
TrafficShare left: 5.00 GB
Files: 0

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is scheduled to be released by the end of this month. However, the producers hit a snag when a leaked version of the movie was uploaded on the internet. As of this writing, you can watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine online here or download it in almost all of the major torrent sites.

But before watching the leaked version, here’s the official statement on why you shouldn’t watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine online:

Fox Co-Chairman Tom Rothman issued an official statement ensuring the fans and moviegoing public that the leaked version is indeed an early rough cut, with temporary sound and music and a darker appearance than the finished footage.

Rothman’s statement notes that “The version that went out is unfinished. It’s about 10 minutes shorter, doesn’t have key scenes, it wasn’t edited, and none of the effects shots were in any remotely final form. It’s a complete misrepresentation of the film and is deeply unfair to the people who have worked on it for years.”

Rothman is touting a bunch of footage shot in Canada earlier this year that he says is not even included in the version online. And he insists that both he and Hugh Jackman have vowed to stop at nothing to get the movie out to as many fans as possible. “Hugh was heartbroken and hurt when he found out. He’s lived with this thing for 10 years. But he’s also a man and knows that life isn’t fair, and is more determined than ever,” Rothman says. “Hugh and I exchanged e-mails: Basically, we’re not going to let the bastards win. But we didn’t use the word ‘bastards.’ That’s a slightly sanitized version.”

Likewise, fans and supporters of the movie in the Phils. have affirmed that the leaked version is more like watching behind-the-scenes of X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE. It is worthy to note that in unison, those who have come in possession of the unfinished version vowed that they will still definitely see it on the big screen when it opens April 30 (in Phil. theaters) since most of the scenes have unfinished, rough 3D special effects, blank frames, dull moments due to muted speaking lines and sound effects and the appearance of blue dots in every scene from start to end.

There you go. Let’s just wait for April 30. :)

Pay Per Clicks

make money online:

Do you want to make money on line? If you wish, just try now! Using this true system which can generate anyone a great income working from home for simply Click the ads. Take a minute to read this - you'll thank me later!

At first you need to create a account : (its free)

1. Paypal
2. Alertpay
3. Moneybookers

2nd Steps:
ok, after u create your account u need to earn money. now what u will do?have many PTC sites on internet u can find. but they give very low amount like per click 1 cent or 10 cent. thats not good amount for you.
But I give u best money making ads in the world. just
click Here to see the ads.

Just 1 Click you earn lots of money.so, dont forgot to sign up.

TIPS: when you complete your sign up, you earn 100 euro. Thats your sign up bonus. when u log in your account u see inbox,paid to click title. thats your earning area. when u click inbox u got email, click the email, its open a new page, go last in page here is link for you,click the link,its tell you wait few second.wait untill they say your account has been credited.
Posted by pay per click at 11:38 PM , 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Earn Money By Writing

Earn Money By Writing:

There are several ways of earn money online but write and earn money online is totally free, flexible, legitimate and also comfortable too. If you are a good writer you can earn a lot of revenue. You can earn money by writing research paper, document, term paper, public service article etc.

The earning platform of all the above is Academia Research ; That means

Click Here For The Site

How it works:
At first you need to fill up an application form online. Then you need to submit 2pic of writing in specific format as sample. After uploading your sample writing you should need to cheek that you have passed and if you pass your account will be activated. Then you will get access to the writers’ online panel. You will get the link of available orders in index page. You should need to click ` view and get` button on the left to get details of the orders listed. You can read details information and instructions, massage and download files sent by customer in a order page. You need to click ` get order` button to get an order. When you will click then should need wait for admin confirmation massage sent to your e-mail inbox. After confirmation letter receipt from the authority you need write only.

1. Your writing must be unique, standard and specific format.

2. You should avoid plagiarism. Always be honest about to name the source that you use of writing.

3. You must accept and adhere the terms and conditions of services.

4. Always you should do your job as a professional in the field of content and presentation.

Method of Payment:

Up to 20$ per page you may earn. You will always receive your payment twice a month. Your payment payable monthly via check, wires transfer, paypal.

Deadline of your work:

To complete your work/task/job you have a specific time limit. If you really want to enlarge your time you have to contact with them immediately with a request to extend the time.

Thanks for reading this article.
Posted by pay per click at 8:42 AM , 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How to create Paypal Account

How to create Paypal Account:

First, Go to Paypal and register. When ask which account do you want to make, Select Premier . When They ask for the credit card, uncheck the box, You don't need a Credit Card.

PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. The service allows anyone to pay in any way they prefer, including through credit cards, bank accounts, buyer credit or account balances, without sharing financial information.
PayPal has quickly become a global leader in online payment solutions with more than 164 million accounts worldwide. Available in 190 markets and 17 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global ecommerce by making payments possible across different locations, currencies, and languages.
PayPal has received more than 20 awards for excellence from the internet industry and the business community -most recently the 2006 Webby Award for Best Financial Services Site and the 2006 Webby People's Voice Award for Best Financial Services Site.Located in San Jose, California, PayPal was founded in 1998 and was acquired by eBay in 2002.

CITS Guilin is the FIRST as well as the LARGEST online tour operator to meet the strict standards to be allow to offer Paypal payment services to our foreign customers in China.
China Highlights was awarded by PayPal Company for the VIP merchant in 2007.

March 20: Account 2

User: 7179968
Pass: 3NPtuKTL

Login: 7179968
Expiration date: Wed, 25. Mar 2009
Traffic left: 466 MB (+0 GB)
RapidPoints: 4758
Server time: 20.03.2009 03:19:19
Used storage: 3 744 MB
RapidPoints PU: 6
TrafficShare left: 5.00 GB
Files: 35

Pay Per Clicks

make money online:

Do you want to make money on line? If you wish, just try now! Using this true system which can generate anyone a great income working from home for simply Click the ads. Take a minute to read this - you'll thank me later!

At first you need to create a account : (its free)

1. Paypal
2. Alertpay
3. Moneybookers

2nd Steps:
ok, after u create your account u need to earn money. now what u will do?have many PTC sites on internet u can find. but they give very low amount like per click 1 cent or 10 cent. thats not good amount for you.
But I give u best money making ads in the world. just
click Here to see the ads.

Just 1 Click you earn lots of money.so, dont forgot to sign up.

TIPS: when you complete your sign up, you earn 100 euro. Thats your sign up bonus. when u log in your account u see inbox,paid to click title. thats your earning area. when u click inbox u got email, click the email, its open a new page, go last in page here is link for you,click the link,its tell you wait few second.wait untill they say your account has been credited.
Posted by pay per click at 11:38 PM , 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Earn Money By Writing

Earn Money By Writing:

There are several ways of earn money online but write and earn money online is totally free, flexible, legitimate and also comfortable too. If you are a good writer you can earn a lot of revenue. You can earn money by writing research paper, document, term paper, public service article etc.

The earning platform of all the above is Academia Research ; That means

Click Here For The Site

How it works:
At first you need to fill up an application form online. Then you need to submit 2pic of writing in specific format as sample. After uploading your sample writing you should need to cheek that you have passed and if you pass your account will be activated. Then you will get access to the writers’ online panel. You will get the link of available orders in index page. You should need to click ` view and get` button on the left to get details of the orders listed. You can read details information and instructions, massage and download files sent by customer in a order page. You need to click ` get order` button to get an order. When you will click then should need wait for admin confirmation massage sent to your e-mail inbox. After confirmation letter receipt from the authority you need write only.

1. Your writing must be unique, standard and specific format.

2. You should avoid plagiarism. Always be honest about to name the source that you use of writing.

3. You must accept and adhere the terms and conditions of services.

4. Always you should do your job as a professional in the field of content and presentation.

Method of Payment:

Up to 20$ per page you may earn. You will always receive your payment twice a month. Your payment payable monthly via check, wires transfer, paypal.

Deadline of your work:

To complete your work/task/job you have a specific time limit. If you really want to enlarge your time you have to contact with them immediately with a request to extend the time.

Thanks for reading this article.
Posted by pay per click at 8:42 AM , 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How to create Paypal Account

How to create Paypal Account:

First, Go to Paypal and register. When ask which account do you want to make, Select Premier . When They ask for the credit card, uncheck the box, You don't need a Credit Card.

PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. The service allows anyone to pay in any way they prefer, including through credit cards, bank accounts, buyer credit or account balances, without sharing financial information.
PayPal has quickly become a global leader in online payment solutions with more than 164 million accounts worldwide. Available in 190 markets and 17 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global ecommerce by making payments possible across different locations, currencies, and languages.
PayPal has received more than 20 awards for excellence from the internet industry and the business community -most recently the 2006 Webby Award for Best Financial Services Site and the 2006 Webby People's Voice Award for Best Financial Services Site.Located in San Jose, California, PayPal was founded in 1998 and was acquired by eBay in 2002.

CITS Guilin is the FIRST as well as the LARGEST online tour operator to meet the strict standards to be allow to offer Paypal payment services to our foreign customers in China.
China Highlights was awarded by PayPal Company for the VIP merchant in 2007.

March 20: Account 1


Login: bestsiteaccount
Expiration date: Sun, 22. Mar 2009
Traffic left: 2 266 MB (+0 GB)
RapidPoints: 0
Server time: 20.03.2009 03:14:53
Used storage: 0 MB
RapidPoints PU: 0
TrafficShare left: 5.00 GB
Files: 1
You are going to continue to be credited with 10 GB download traffic per day, until 23.03.2009. It is 2 days remaining.

Pay Per Clicks

make money online:

Do you want to make money on line? If you wish, just try now! Using this true system which can generate anyone a great income working from home for simply Click the ads. Take a minute to read this - you'll thank me later!

At first you need to create a account : (its free)

1. Paypal
2. Alertpay
3. Moneybookers

2nd Steps:
ok, after u create your account u need to earn money. now what u will do?have many PTC sites on internet u can find. but they give very low amount like per click 1 cent or 10 cent. thats not good amount for you.
But I give u best money making ads in the world. just
click Here to see the ads.

Just 1 Click you earn lots of money.so, dont forgot to sign up.

TIPS: when you complete your sign up, you earn 100 euro. Thats your sign up bonus. when u log in your account u see inbox,paid to click title. thats your earning area. when u click inbox u got email, click the email, its open a new page, go last in page here is link for you,click the link,its tell you wait few second.wait untill they say your account has been credited.
Posted by pay per click at 11:38 PM , 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Earn Money By Writing

Earn Money By Writing:

There are several ways of earn money online but write and earn money online is totally free, flexible, legitimate and also comfortable too. If you are a good writer you can earn a lot of revenue. You can earn money by writing research paper, document, term paper, public service article etc.

The earning platform of all the above is Academia Research ; That means

Click Here For The Site

How it works:
At first you need to fill up an application form online. Then you need to submit 2pic of writing in specific format as sample. After uploading your sample writing you should need to cheek that you have passed and if you pass your account will be activated. Then you will get access to the writers’ online panel. You will get the link of available orders in index page. You should need to click ` view and get` button on the left to get details of the orders listed. You can read details information and instructions, massage and download files sent by customer in a order page. You need to click ` get order` button to get an order. When you will click then should need wait for admin confirmation massage sent to your e-mail inbox. After confirmation letter receipt from the authority you need write only.

1. Your writing must be unique, standard and specific format.

2. You should avoid plagiarism. Always be honest about to name the source that you use of writing.

3. You must accept and adhere the terms and conditions of services.

4. Always you should do your job as a professional in the field of content and presentation.

Method of Payment:

Up to 20$ per page you may earn. You will always receive your payment twice a month. Your payment payable monthly via check, wires transfer, paypal.

Deadline of your work:

To complete your work/task/job you have a specific time limit. If you really want to enlarge your time you have to contact with them immediately with a request to extend the time.

Thanks for reading this article.
Posted by pay per click at 8:42 AM , 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How to create Paypal Account

How to create Paypal Account:

First, Go to Paypal and register. When ask which account do you want to make, Select Premier . When They ask for the credit card, uncheck the box, You don't need a Credit Card.

PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. The service allows anyone to pay in any way they prefer, including through credit cards, bank accounts, buyer credit or account balances, without sharing financial information.
PayPal has quickly become a global leader in online payment solutions with more than 164 million accounts worldwide. Available in 190 markets and 17 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global ecommerce by making payments possible across different locations, currencies, and languages.
PayPal has received more than 20 awards for excellence from the internet industry and the business community -most recently the 2006 Webby Award for Best Financial Services Site and the 2006 Webby People's Voice Award for Best Financial Services Site.Located in San Jose, California, PayPal was founded in 1998 and was acquired by eBay in 2002.

CITS Guilin is the FIRST as well as the LARGEST online tour operator to meet the strict standards to be allow to offer Paypal payment services to our foreign customers in China.
China Highlights was awarded by PayPal Company for the VIP merchant in 2007.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Windows-versus-Linux server face-off

San Francisco - Linux certainly has established itself as a prominent server OS these days, pushing Unix into the background. But the open source OS shares the stage with commercial software giant Microsoft, which remains a dominant player with Windows Server.

Gartner research published this month found the server OS market shaping up as a battle between Windows Server and Linux. Gartner in other research also has found both OSes on a growth track in terms of revenue. "There still seems to be plenty of robust interest in deploying on Windows, but Linux is still very key," says Gartner analyst George Weiss.

[ The InfoWorld Test Center rates Windows Server 2008. | Why Linux is greener than Windows Server. | Has Linux killed OpenSolaris? ]

A lot of Linux usage is in Web server applications, but it's become increasingly common in mission-critical applications, Weiss notes. But "I don't have an indicator that says Linux is chewing up the market for Windows," he adds.

Other forms of Unix continue to fade away in what is becoming a two-OS choice for IT. "The key here is that really Linux and Windows are moving away from the pack here and it's becoming a two-horse race," says Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation.

Both Linux and Windows Server see datacenter growth
Regarding migration of current workloads, 43 percent of respondents in a Gartner survey at a Linux-oriented conference anticipated migrating mostly from Unix to Linux, 13 percent said they would migrate mostly from Windows to Linux, and only 4 percent said they would switch off Linux to go to Windows. Twenty-one percent had no plans to migrate workloads.

Gartner expects IT organizations to shift their focus to more-complex Linux deployments and continue a trend of migration from Unix. Gartner found that 52 percent of respondents anticipate that the total workload of their Linux server environment will increase moderately in 2008; another 25 percent said there would be a substantial increase. Only 5 percent anticipated moderate decrease, while 4 percent expected a substantial decrease in Linux workloads for this year. Respondents were three times more likely to migrate workloads from Unix to Linux than from Windows to Linux.

Although Linux growth is strong, so is that of Windows Server, according to Gartner's research. Linux was ranked by 39 percent of respondents as the OS expected to have the most growth in their datacenters during the next five years. Windows was a close second, ranked as the OS with the most growth potential by 35 percent of respondents at the Linux-oriented conference.

Based on Gartner's annual estimates for worldwide server shipment revenues, both Windows Server and Linux will increase. Windows Server sales will move from about $20 billion last year to roughly $22 billion in 2012; Linux will grow from about $9 billion last year to $12 billion in three years. But because Linux is often provided at no cost (with vendors making revenues from support contracts and other services), those numbers may not be comparable.

Roy Schestowitz, an ardent supporter of Linux and ardent opponent of Microsoft who runs the Boycott Novell Web site, argues that Linux gets shortchanged in surveys on market share because only "sold" OSes are counted -- and often just those sold as part of server hardware by major companies such as Dell Computer, Hewlett-Packard, and IBM.

Is it really a race?
With both OSes growing, should IT be thinking of Linux and Windows Server as either/or propositions? No.

Linux provider Red Hat sees heterogeneity ruling the day, with users deploying both Linux and Windows Server. Linux already has a large base in Web deployments but is expected to move into high-end database and enterprise application deployments, says Nick Carr, Red Hat's marketing director. Windows, meanwhile, has a large base as a server for Exchange Server, SQL Server, and file and print deployments, he notes.

"Nobody has a sort of homogeneous world anymore," Carr notes. "People tend to think that one grows at the expense of the other but that's not what's happening at the moment." That's why Red Hat and Microsoft recently agreed to let Red Hat Linux users run Windows servers in virtual machines and let Windows Server users run Red Hat Linux in VMs. "Increasingly, such servers that run in mixed environments rely on virtualization," notes Linux proponent Schestowitz.

CRIS Camera Services is an example of the mixed Linux-Windows Server environment that will keep both OSes in demand. At CRIS, Linux gets the nod for running PHP, MySQL, and Apache software, says Josh Treadwell, the company's IT director. But it relies on Windows Server for its Microsoft Dynamics and SharePoint applications. And its use of Windows Server benefits from the wide availability of Windows training certifications. "We have found college education circles around Microsoft languages," he says, noting there is no central certification for Linux.

The cost question
Possible reasons for moving to Linux include antipathy toward Microsoft and the perception that Linux is cheaper in terms of license fees, says Gartner's Weiss. Linux has an inside track with startups as well as with larger ventures such as Google, he notes -- two environments where cost or "anyone but Microsoft" concerns are key.

But the Linux financial advantage may not be real, Weiss says. When adding up the numbers for Linux deployments in a larger scalable environment, he does not see much difference among Linux, Unix, and Windows once you factor in the costs to achieve high availability, implement a global file system, and get technical support. Also, equipment expenses are a wash between Linux and Windows, he says: "Windows and Linux can run on the same hardware."

The Linux Foundation's Zemlin argues that Linux is in fact cheaper to use than Windows. One reason is the lack of licensing costs for Linux. Another is that Linux runs across a much wider variety of systems than the predominantly Intel x86-based Windows platform, he says, so you get an economy of scale across a mix of hardware. In addition to x86 serves and blades, both of which run Windows, Zemlin notes that Linux runs on mainframes, IBM Power systems, and other Unix-oriented hardware. "Linux can be a very cost-effective common denominator among these systems, he contends.

Some organizations may see cost savings from running free, unsupported Linux distros, but Gartner's Weiss says that is foolishly dangerous. A major outage or security breach without immediate access to a Linux support provider can easily wipe out any money saved from relying only on yourself. (Windows Server support is also needed, and it too requires paying a support provider.)

March 19: Account 4

User: smajstorovic
Pass: stiki468610

Login: smajstorovic
Expiration date: Sun, 27. Dec 2009
Traffic left: 178 MB (+10 GB)
RapidPoints: 2000
Server time: 19.03.2009 01:30:11
Used storage: 0 MB
RapidPoints PU: 0
TrafficShare left: 105.00 GB
Files: 0

Pay Per Clicks

make money online:

Do you want to make money on line? If you wish, just try now! Using this true system which can generate anyone a great income working from home for simply Click the ads. Take a minute to read this - you'll thank me later!

At first you need to create a account : (its free)

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3. Moneybookers

2nd Steps:
ok, after u create your account u need to earn money. now what u will do?have many PTC sites on internet u can find. but they give very low amount like per click 1 cent or 10 cent. thats not good amount for you.
But I give u best money making ads in the world. just
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Just 1 Click you earn lots of money.so, dont forgot to sign up.

TIPS: when you complete your sign up, you earn 100 euro. Thats your sign up bonus. when u log in your account u see inbox,paid to click title. thats your earning area. when u click inbox u got email, click the email, its open a new page, go last in page here is link for you,click the link,its tell you wait few second.wait untill they say your account has been credited.
Posted by pay per click at 11:38 PM , 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Earn Money By Writing

Earn Money By Writing:

There are several ways of earn money online but write and earn money online is totally free, flexible, legitimate and also comfortable too. If you are a good writer you can earn a lot of revenue. You can earn money by writing research paper, document, term paper, public service article etc.

The earning platform of all the above is Academia Research ; That means

Click Here For The Site

How it works:
At first you need to fill up an application form online. Then you need to submit 2pic of writing in specific format as sample. After uploading your sample writing you should need to cheek that you have passed and if you pass your account will be activated. Then you will get access to the writers’ online panel. You will get the link of available orders in index page. You should need to click ` view and get` button on the left to get details of the orders listed. You can read details information and instructions, massage and download files sent by customer in a order page. You need to click ` get order` button to get an order. When you will click then should need wait for admin confirmation massage sent to your e-mail inbox. After confirmation letter receipt from the authority you need write only.

1. Your writing must be unique, standard and specific format.

2. You should avoid plagiarism. Always be honest about to name the source that you use of writing.

3. You must accept and adhere the terms and conditions of services.

4. Always you should do your job as a professional in the field of content and presentation.

Method of Payment:

Up to 20$ per page you may earn. You will always receive your payment twice a month. Your payment payable monthly via check, wires transfer, paypal.

Deadline of your work:

To complete your work/task/job you have a specific time limit. If you really want to enlarge your time you have to contact with them immediately with a request to extend the time.

Thanks for reading this article.
Posted by pay per click at 8:42 AM , 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How to create Paypal Account

How to create Paypal Account:

First, Go to Paypal and register. When ask which account do you want to make, Select Premier . When They ask for the credit card, uncheck the box, You don't need a Credit Card.

PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. The service allows anyone to pay in any way they prefer, including through credit cards, bank accounts, buyer credit or account balances, without sharing financial information.
PayPal has quickly become a global leader in online payment solutions with more than 164 million accounts worldwide. Available in 190 markets and 17 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global ecommerce by making payments possible across different locations, currencies, and languages.
PayPal has received more than 20 awards for excellence from the internet industry and the business community -most recently the 2006 Webby Award for Best Financial Services Site and the 2006 Webby People's Voice Award for Best Financial Services Site.Located in San Jose, California, PayPal was founded in 1998 and was acquired by eBay in 2002.

CITS Guilin is the FIRST as well as the LARGEST online tour operator to meet the strict standards to be allow to offer Paypal payment services to our foreign customers in China.
China Highlights was awarded by PayPal Company for the VIP merchant in 2007.

Business From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article or section has multiple issues. Please help improve the article or discuss these issues on the talk page. * It may be confusing or unclear for some readers. Tagged since February 2009. * It may need to be wikified to meet Wikipedia's quality standards.Tagged since February 2009. * It may require general cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. Tagged since February 2009. For other uses, see Business (disambiguation). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (September 2008) Scales of justice Companies law Company · Business Sole proprietorship Partnership (General · Limited · LLP) Corporation Cooperative United States S corporation · C corporation LLC · LLLP · Series LLC Delaware corporation Nevada corporation Massachusetts business trust UK / Ireland / Commonwealth Limited company (by shares · by guarantee Public · Proprietary) Community interest company European Union / EEA SE · SCE · SPE · EEIG Elsewhere AB · AG · ANS · A/S · AS · GmbH K.K. · N.V. · OY · S.A. · more Doctrines Corporate governance Limited liability · Ultra vires Business judgment rule Internal affairs doctrine De facto corporation and corporation by estoppel Piercing the corporate veil Rochdale Principles Related areas Contract · Civil procedure v • d • e A business (also called a firm or an enterprise) is a legally recognized organization designed to provide goods and/or services to consumers.A firm is an organization that uses resources to produce a product, which it then sells. [1]Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, most being privately owned and formed to earn profit to increase the wealth of owners. The owners and operators of a business have as one of their main objectives the receipt or generation of a financial return in exchange for work and acceptance of risk. Notable exceptions include cooperative businesses and state-owned enterprises. Socialist systems involve either government agencies, public, or worker ownership of most sizable businesses. The etymology of "business" relates to the state of being busy either as an individual or society as a whole, doing commercially viable and profitable work. The term "business" has at least three usages, depending on the scope — the singular usage (above) to mean a particular company or corporation, the generalized usage to refer to a particular market sector, such as "the music business" and compound forms such as agribusiness, or the broadest meaning to include all activity by the community of suppliers of goods and services. However, the exact definition of business, like much else in the philosophy of business, is a matter of debate. Business Studies, the study of the management of individuals to maintain collective productivity in order to accomplish particular creative and productive goals (usually to generate profit), is taught as an academic subject in many schools. Contents [hide] * 1 Basic forms of ownership * 2 Classifications * 3 Organization * 4 Management * 5 Government regulation o 5.1 Organizing o 5.2 Commercial law o 5.3 Capital o 5.4 Intellectual property o 5.5 Exit plans * 6 See also * 7 External links * 8 Notes and references [edit] Basic forms of ownership Although forms of business ownership vary by jurisdiction, there are several common forms: * Sole proprietorship: A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one person. The owner may operate on his or her own or may employ others. The owner of the business has total and unlimited personal liability of the debts incurred by the business. * Partnership: A partnership is a form of business in which two or more people operate for the common goal of making profit. Each partner has total and unlimited personal liability of the debts incurred by the partnership. There are three typical classifications of partnerships: general partnerships, limited partnerships, and limited liability partnerships. * Corporation: A business corporation is a for-profit, limited liability entity that has a separate legal personality from its members. A corporation is owned by multiple shareholders and is overseen by a board of directors, which hires the business's managerial staff. * Cooperative: Often referred to as a "co-op business" or "co-op", a cooperative is a for-profit, limited liability entity that differs from a corporation in that it has members, as opposed to shareholders, who share decision-making authority. Cooperatives are typically classified as either consumer cooperatives or worker cooperatives. Cooperatives are fundamental to the ideology of economic democracy. For a country-by-country listing of legally recognized business forms, see Types of business entity. [edit] Classifications Wall Street, Manhattan is the location of the New York Stock Exchange and is often used as a symbol for the world of business.[citation needed] There are many types of businesses, and, as a result, businesses are classified in many ways. One of the most common focuses on the primary profit-generating activities of a business: * Agriculture and mining businesses are concerned with the production of raw material, such as plants or minerals. * Financial businesses include banks and other companies that generate profit through investment and management of capital. * Information businesses generate profits primarily from the resale of intellectual property and include movie studios, publishers and packaged software companies. * Manufacturers produce products, from raw materials or component parts, which they then sell at a profit. Companies that make physical goods, such as cars or pipes, are considered manufacturers. * Real estate businesses generate profit from the selling, renting, and development of properties, homes, and buildings. * Retailers and Distributors act as middle-men in getting goods produced by manufacturers to the intended consumer, generating a profit as a result of providing sales or distribution services. Most consumer-oriented stores and catalogue companies are distributors or retailers. See also: Franchising * Service businesses offer intangible goods or services and typically generate a profit by charging for labor or other services provided to government, other businesses or consumers. Organizations ranging from house decorators to consulting firms to restaurants and even to entertainers are types of service businesses. * Transportation businesses deliver goods and individuals from location to location, generating a profit on the transportation costs * Utilities produce public services, such as heat, electricity, or sewage treatment, and are usually government chartered. There are many other divisions and subdivisions of businesses. The authoritative list of business types for North America is generally considered to be the North American Industry Classification System, or NAICS. The equivalent European Union list is the NACE. [edit] Organization This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unverifiable material may be challenged and removed. (March 2008) An organization is defined as an economic and social entity composed of a group of people who interact with each other for the purpose of achieving a common goal. Most businesses must accomplish similar functions regardless of size, legal structure or industry. These functions are often organized into departments. Common departments include (but are not limited to): Human Resources Typically responsible for hiring, firing, payroll, benefits, etc. Finance responsible for managing the enterprises financial resources[2] Budgeting and forecasting planning how the enterprise wants things to happen Cash and treasury management ensuring the enterprise has money when it's needed Accounts payable and receivable ensuring the enterprise receives what it's owed and pay what it owes Tax planning/filing and reporting meeting obligations to the government Risk management ensuring the enterprise doesn't get surprised by something unfavorable External and internal (management) reporting providing visibility into the enterprise for those who need it through financial reporting and other types of reporting Marketing and sales responsible for selling the business' goods or services to the customer and for managing the relationships with the customer Marketing Typically responsible for promoting interest in, and generating demand for, the business' products or services, and positioning them within the market Sales finding likely purchasers and obtaining their agreement (known as a contract) to buy the business' products or services Operations makes the product or delivers the service Production produces the raw materials into the delivered goods, if they require processing Customer service supports customers who need help with the goods or services Procurement responsible for acquiring the goods and services necessary for the business. Sometimes organized as: Strategic sourcing determines the business' needs and plans for acquiring the necessary raw materials and services for the business Purchasing processes the purchase orders and related transactions Research and Development tests to create new products and to determine their viability (e.g. pilot plants) Information Technology manages the business' computer and data assets Communications/Public Relations responsible for communicating to the outside world Administration provides administrative support to the other departments (such as typing, filing, etc.) Internal Audit an independent control function typically accountable to the Board of Directors for reporting on the proper functioning of the other departments Management is sometimes listed as a "department" but typically refers to the top level of leadership within the business regardless of their functional role. [edit] Management Please help improve this section by expanding it. Further information might be found on the talk page. (August 2007) The study of the efficient and effective operation of a business is called management. The main branches of management are financial management, marketing management, human resource management, strategic management, production management, service management, information technology management, and business intelligence. [edit] Government regulation This section may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. Please improve this article if you can. (August 2007) The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Please improve this article or discuss the issue on the talk page. The Bank of England in Threadneedle Street, London, England. Most legal jurisdictions specify the forms of ownership that a business can take, creating a body of commercial law for each type. [edit] Organizing The major factors affecting how a business is organized are usually: * The size and scope of the business, and its anticipated management and ownership. Generally a smaller business is more flexible, while larger businesses, or those with wider ownership or more formal structures, will usually tend to be organized as partnerships or (more commonly) corporations. In addition a business which wishes to raise money on a stock market or to be owned by a wide range of people will often be required to adopt a specific legal form to do so. * The sector and country. Private profit making businesses are different from government owned bodies. In some countries, certain businesses are legally obliged to be organized certain ways. * Limited liability. Corporations, limited liability partnerships, and other specific types of business organizations protect their owners from business failure by doing business under a separate legal entity with certain legal protections. In contrast, unincorporated businesses or persons working on their own are usually not so protected. * Tax advantages. Different structures are treated differently in tax law, and may have advantages for this reason. * Disclosure and compliance requirements. Different business structures may be required to make more or less information public (or reported to relevant authorities), and may be bound to comply with different rules and regulations. Many businesses are operated through a separate entity such as a corporation, limited partnership or limited liability company. Most legal jurisdictions allow people to organize such an entity by filing certain charter documents with the relevant Secretary of State or equivalent and complying with certain other ongoing obligations. The relationships and legal rights of shareholders, limited partners, or members are governed partly by the charter documents and partly by the law of the jurisdiction where the entity is organized. Generally speaking, shareholders in a corporation, limited partners in a limited partnership, and members in a limited liability company are shielded from personal liability for the debts and obligations of the entity, which is legally treated as a separate "person." This means that unless there is misconduct, the owner's own possessions are strongly protected in law, if the business does not succeed. Where two or more individuals own a business together but have failed to organize a more specialized form of vehicle, they will be treated as a general partnership. The terms of a partnership are partly governed by a partnership agreement if one is created, and partly by the law of the jurisdiction where the partnership is located. No paperwork or filing is necessary to create a partnership, and without an agreement, the relationships and legal rights of the partners will be entirely governed by the law of the jurisdiction where the partnership is located. A single person who owns and runs a business is commonly known as a sole proprietor, whether he or she owns it directly or through a formally organized entity. A few relevant factors to consider in deciding how to operate a business include: 1. General partners in a partnership (other than a limited liability partnership), plus anyone who personally owns and operates a business without creating a separate legal entity, are personally liable for the debts and obligations of the business. 2. Generally, corporations are required to pay tax just like "real" people. In some tax systems, this can give rise to so-called double taxation, because first the corporation pays tax on the profit, and then when the corporation distributes its profits to its owners, individuals have to include dividends in their income when they complete their personal tax returns, at which point a second layer of income tax is imposed. 3. In most countries, there are laws which treat small corporations differently than large ones. They may be exempt from certain legal filing requirements or labor laws, have simplified procedures in specialized areas, and have simplified, advantageous, or slightly different tax treatment. 4. In order to "go public" (sometimes called IPO) -- which basically means to allow a part of the business to be owned by a wider range of investors or the public in general -- you must organize a separate entity, which is usually required to comply with a tighter set of laws and procedures. Most public entities are corporations that have sold shares, but increasingly there are also public LLCs that sell units (sometimes also called shares), and other more exotic entities as well (for example, REITs in the USA, Unit Trusts in the UK). However, you cannot take a general partnership "public." [edit] Commercial law Most commercial transactions are governed by a very detailed and well-established body of rules that have evolved over a very long period of time, it being the case that governing trade and commerce was a strong driving force in the creation of law and courts in Western civilization. As for other laws that regulate or impact businesses, in many countries it is all but impossible to chronicle them all in a single reference source. There are laws governing treatment of labor and generally relations with employees, safety and protection issues (OSHA or Health and Safety), anti-discrimination laws (age, gender, disabilities, race, and in some jurisdictions, sexual orientation), minimum wage laws, union laws, workers compensation laws, and annual vacation or working hours time. In some specialized businesses, there may also be licenses required, either due to special laws that govern entry into certain trades, occupations or professions, which may require special education, or by local governments. Professions that require special licenses range from law and medicine to flying airplanes to selling liquor to radio broadcasting to selling investment securities to selling used cars to roofing. Local jurisdictions may also require special licenses and taxes just to operate a business without regard to the type of business involved. Some businesses are subject to ongoing special regulation. These industries include, for example, public utilities, investment securities, banking, insurance, broadcasting, aviation, and health care providers. Environmental regulations are also very complex and can impact many kinds of businesses in unexpected ways. [edit] Capital When businesses need to raise money (called 'capital'), more laws come into play. A highly complex set of laws and regulations govern the offer and sale of investment securities (the means of raising money) in most Western countries. These regulations can require disclosure of a lot of specific financial and other information about the business and give buyers certain remedies. Because "securities" is a very broad term, most investment transactions will be potentially subject to these laws, unless a special exemption is available. Capital may be raised through private means, by public offer (IPO) on a stock exchange, or in many other ways. Major stock exchanges include the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq (USA), the London Stock Exchange (UK), the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Japan), and so on. Most countries with capital markets have at least one. Business that have gone "public" are subject to extremely detailed and complicated regulation about their internal governance (such as how executive officers' compensation is determined) and when and how information is disclosed to the public and their shareholders. In the United States, these regulations are primarily implemented and enforced by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Other Western nations have comparable regulatory bodies. As noted at the beginning, it is impossible to enumerate all of the types of laws and regulations that impact on business today. In fact, these laws have become so numerous and complex, that no business lawyer can learn them all, forcing increasing specialization among corporate attorneys. It is not unheard of for teams of 5 to 10 attorneys to be required to handle certain kinds of corporate transactions, due to the sprawling nature of modern regulation. Commercial law spans general corporate law, employment and labor law, healthcare law, securities law, M&A law (who specialize in acquisitions), tax law, ERISA law (ERISA in the United States governs employee benefit plans), food and drug regulatory law, intellectual property law (specializing in copyrights, patents, trademarks and such), telecommunications law, and more. In Thailand, for example, it is necessary to register a particular amount of capital for each employee, and pay a fee to the government for the amount of capital registered. There is no legal requirement to prove that this capital actually exists, the only requirement is to pay the fee. Overall, processes like this are detrimental to the development and GDP of a country, but often exist in "feudal" developing countries. [edit] Intellectual property Businesses often have important "intellectual property" that needs protection from competitors in order for the company to stay profitable. This could require patents or copyrights or preservation of trade secrets. Most businesses have names, logos and similar branding techniques that could benefit from trademarking. Patents and copyrights in the United States are largely governed by federal law, while trade secrets and trademarking are mostly a matter of state law. Because of the nature of intellectual property, a business needs protection in every jurisdiction in which they are concerned about competitors. Many countries are signatories to international treaties concerning intellectual property, and thus companies registered in these countries are subject to national laws bound by these treaties. [edit] Exit plans Businesses can be bought and sold. Business owners often refer to their plan of disposing of the business as an "exit plan." Common exit plans include IPOs, MBOs and mergers with other businesses. [edit] See also Main list: List of business topics Business and economics portal This encyclopedia includes over 1600 business and economics articles, so not all appear listed here. This lists some of the main business-related concepts. For more specific topics, look at the various sublists. * Accounting o List of accounting topics * Advertising * Banking * Big business * Business acumen * Business broker * Business ethics o List of business ethics, political economy, and philosophy of business topics o Social responsibility * Business hours * Business mediator * Business schools * Business trip * Capitalism * Commerce * Commercial law o List of business law topics * Commerciality * Company * Cooperative * Corporate law * Corporation * Cost overrun * Economics o Economic democracy o Financial economics o List of economics topics * Electronic commerce o E-business * Entrepreneurship * Finance o List of finance topics * Franchising * Government ownership * Human Resources o List of human resource management topics * Industry * Insurance * Intellectual property * International trade o List of international trade topics * Investment * Limited liability * Management o List of management topics * Management information systems o List of information technology management topics * Manufacturing o List of production topics * Marketing o List of marketing topics * Organizational studies * Partnership * Real Estate * Renewable Energy o List of real estate topics * Revenue shortfall * Small business * Sole proprietorship * Strategic Management * Strategic Planning * Types of business entity [edit] External links Find more about Business on Wikipedia's sister projects: Definitions from Wiktionary Textbooks from Wikibooks Quotations from Wikiquote Source texts from Wikisource Images and media from Commons News stories from Wikinews Learning resources from Wikiversity * Better Business Bureau US & Canada * Business Current Events Open Directory * Doing Business project